DRO-210i Web Configuration
DRO-210i User Manual Page 3-47
Click on Delete icon to remove the peer-to-peer tunnel or IPSec
server. When IPSec server is deleted all its corresponding remote ids also
get deleted.
The total no of IPSec configuration entries includes the number of peer-to-
peer tunnel along with number of IPSec servers plus its corresponding remote ids.
For example: If there are two peer-to-peer tunnels and two IPSec servers one with
three remote ids and the other with 4 remote ids, then the total no of entries will be:
2 + 3(1st IPSec server) + 4(2nd IPSec server) = 9.
3.6 QOS
QOS - Q-Discipline
Click on
QOS > Q-Discipline
to get the web page as shown