Host Name
The Host Name is optional but may be required by
some ISPs. The default host name is the device
name of the Router and may be changed.
MAC Address
The default MAC address is set to the WAN’s
physical interface MAC address on the Broadband
Router. You can use the “Clone MAC Address”
button to copy the MAC address of the Ethernet
Card installed by your ISP and replace the WAN
MAC address with the MAC address of the router. It
is not recommended that you change the default
MAC address unless required by your ISP.
Primary/Secondary DNS
Enter a DNS Address if you wish not to use the
address provided by your ISP.
Dynamic IP Address
DPH-300 User’s Manual
D-Link Corporation
Home > LAN > Dynamic IP Address
Dynamic IP Address (using DHCP) is both the default option, and the most
commonly used method to assign devices on a LAN IP address information
when connecting to a broadband modem or multi-port Ethernet router/DHCP