DKVM-IP8 User Manual
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If set to ”Try” the applet tries to make an encrypted connection. In case connection
establishment fails for any reason an unencrypted connection will be used.
If set to “Force” the applet tries to make an encrypted connection with certificate.
An error will be reported in case connection establishment fails.
Group-based System Access Control
This is the IP filtering function, it keeps unauthorized hosts from accessing to the
DKVM-IP8 by specifying IP filtering rules. It is important to fully understand what
an IP filter is. If you don't fully understand this, you will get unexpected results
against your original plan.
Chain rule
Chain rule
determines whether the access from the hosts is allowed or not. It
can be one of these two values:
ACCEPT : access allowed
DROP : access not allowed
The rule can be configured to apply to a particular Group level (All, User, Super,
When the DKVM-IP8 receives a TCP packet, it will process the packet with the
chain rule depicted below. The process ordering is important; The packet will enter
the chain rule 1 first, if meet the rule then take action directly, otherwise go to chain
rule 2.
TCP packet
Rule 1
Rule 2
Rule ..
Rule n
Default Rule
Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Check the “Enable Group based System Access Control” to edit the rules