MC-16LX MB90910 Series
16-bit Microcontroller
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
198 Champion Court
San Jose
CA 95134-1709
Document Number: 002-04578 Rev. *A
Revised April 12, 2016
The MB90910 series, loaded 1 channel FULL-CAN controller and Flash ROM, is general-purpose Cypress 16-bit microcontroller
designing for automotive and industrial applications. Its main feature is the on-board CAN controllers, which conform to Ver 2.0 Part
A and Part B, while supporting a very flexible message buffer scheme and so offering more functions than a normal FULL-CAN
approach. With the new 0.18
m CMOS technology, Cypress now offers on-chip Flash ROM program memory up to 128 Kbytes.
The power supply (1.8 V) is supplied to the MCU core from an internal regulator circuit. This creates a major advantage in terms of
EMI and power consumption.
The internal PLL clock frequency multiplier provides an internal 31.25 ns instruction execution time from an external 4 MHz clock.
The unit features a 4-channel input capture unit 1 channel 16-bit free-run timer, 2-channel LIN-UART,
1-channel UART, and 16-channel 8/10-bit A/D converter as the peripheral resource.
Built-in PLL clock frequency multiplication circuit
Selection of machine clocks (PLL clocks) is allowed among
frequency division by 2 on oscillation clock and multiplication
of 1 to 8 times of oscillation clock (for 4 MHz oscillation clock,
4 MHz to 32 MHz)
Minimum execution time of instruction : 31.25 ns (when
operating with 4-MHz oscillation clock and 8-time multiplied
PLL clock)
Instruction system best suited to controller
16 Mbytes CPU memory space
24-bit internal addressing
Wide choice of data types (bit, byte, word, and long word)
Wide choice of addressing modes (23 types)
Enhanced multiply-divide instructions with sign and RETI
Enhanced high-precision computing with 32-bit accumulator
Instruction system compatible with high-level
language (C language) and multitask
Employing system stack pointer
Enhanced various pointer indirect instructions
Barrel shift instructions
Increased processing speed
4-byte instruction queue
Powerful interrupt function
Powerful 8-level, 34-condition interrupt feature
Up to 8 channels external interrupts are supported
CPU-independent automatic data transfer func-
Expanded intelligent I/O service function (EI
OS) : up to 16
Low power consumption (standby) mode
Sleep mode (a mode that halts CPU operating clock)
Main timer mode (timebase timer mode that is transferred
from main clock mode)
PLL timer mode (timebase timer mode that is transferred from
PLL clock mode)
Stop mode (a mode that stops oscillation clock)
CPU blocking operation mode
CMOS technology
I/O port
General purpose input/output port (CMOS output) :
- 36 ports
Timebase timer, watchdog timer : 1 channel
8/16-bit PPG timer : 8-bit
6 channels or 16-bit
3 channels
16-bit reload timer : 2 channels
16- bit input/output timer
-16-bit free-run timer : 1 channel (FRT0 : ICU 0/1/2/3)
-16- bit input capture : (ICU) : 4 channels
FULL-CAN controller : 1 channel
Compliant with CAN specifications Version 2.0 Part A and B
16 message buffers are built in
CAN wake-up function
2 channels, UART
1 channel
Equipped with full-duplex double buffer
Clock-asynchronous or clock-synchronous serial trans-
mission is available