CY3280-28XXX Universal CapSense® Controller Development Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-57457 Rev. **
Quick Start
M8C_DisableGInt; /* disable global interrupt */
I2C_Buf[i] = CSD2X_1_waSnsDiff[i]; /* set the buffer */
M8C_EnableGInt; /* enable global interrupt */
4. Select Build > Generate/Build 'MyProject' Project
and verify the compile finishes with no errors.
Programming the CY3280-28XXX Board
1. Connect your computer to the CapSense test board ISSP Connector (J3) using the PSoC
MiniProg and a USB cable. If this is your first time using the MiniProg, you will need to install the
driver before proceeding. Follow the instructions in
2.2.1 Powering the Board on page 11
2. In PSoC Designer, select Program > Program Part. The PSoC Programmer application opens
3. From the Port menu, select
MiniProg1/<Identification Code>
4. Click
. "Programming Succeeded..." appears in the Actions pane when programming is
Testing the Board
1. Click
Toggle Device Power
2. Touch one or more buttons with your finger. The associated LEDs light up corresponding to the
buttons being pressed.
3. When you are done, click
Toggle Device Power,
and close PSoC Programmer.
4. Return to PSoC Designer and select File > Save Project.
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