CY3280-28XXX Universal CapSense® Controller Development Kit Guide, Spec. # 001-57457 Rev. **
Welcome to the CY3280-28XXX Universal CapSense
Controller Board. This kit is designed to
show the features of CY8C28XXX. The CY8C28XXX family of PSoC
1 devices includes the follow-
ing parts: CY8C28403-24PVXI, CY8C28413-24PVXI, CY8C28513-24AXI, CY8C28623-24LTXI,
CY8C28433-24PVXI, CY8C28533-24AXI, CY8C28243-24PVXI, CY8C28643-24LTXI, CY8C28445-
24PVXI, CY8C28545-24AXI, and CY8C28645-24LTXI. The CY3280-28XXX Universal CapSense
Controller Board contains the 56-pin OCD part. The 56-pin OCD part is only used for in-circuit
OCD parts are NOT available for production.
The CapSense feature of CY8C28XXX can be implemented with the CY3280-SLM Universal
CapSense Linear Slider Module. The two boards are connected by a 44-pin connector. The other
features of CY3280-28XXX can be implemented with the CY3280-CPM1 Universal CapSense
Plus™ Controller Module. The two boards are connected by a 40-pin connector. The CY3280-SLM
Universal CapSense Linear Slider Module and the CY3280-CPM1 Universal CapSense Plus Con-
troller Module can be connected to the CY3280-28XXX Universal CapSense Controller Board at the
same time.
Figure 1-1. CY3280-28XXX Universal CapSense Controller Board
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