CY4636 WirelessUSB™ LP Keyboard Mouse Reference Design Kit User Guide, Doc. # 001-70355 Rev. *A
Code Examples
Figure 5-14
shows the Sleep key being pressed. Note the power key reports are sent via endpoint 2
and Report ID 3.
Figure 5-14. Example Keyboard CATC Trace (Power Key)
Figure 5-15
below shows the Get_Report requests used to retrieve the keyboard and mouse battery
level and link quality information. Note the data transfers occurred on the control endpoint, endpoint
0, and Report ID were used to differentiate keyboard and mouse requests.
Figure 5.1-16. CATC Trace of Battery and Link Quality Data Requests
Verify Output
1. Connect the bridge to the PC and wait for the device to enumerate, the red LED turns ON, it turns
OFF when the USB enumeration process completes. Once enumeration is done start using the
2. Press the bind button, the red LED blinks ON/OFF when the dongle is in Bind Mode.
3. Press the bind button on the Mouse /Keyboard, the devices will be bound together.
4. Press any key on the keyboard or make mouse movements, the green LED turns ON when the
dongle receives data from mouse or keyboard.
5. The green LED turns ON and remains ON if a key is pressed and held.