Curtiss-Wright | PG Drives Technology
R-net Omni2 Technical Manual | Chapter 5 – Infrared Control | 97
Updates to the IR Configurator will be part of the ongoing upgrades to the R-net PC Programmer.
MyDatabase.sdf files to be considered for inclusion in the Default Library should be emailed to Curtiss-Wright using the Email
My Library function in the File drop-down menu.
If a powerchair user buys a TV which uses IR Codes not supported in the Default Library then the Codes can be learnt by the
The learnt Codes could be built into an Appliance by the Dealer or Therapist using the My Library feature. Once the Appliance
has been saved, the Mydatabase.sdf is updated. The file can then be emailed to Curtiss-Wright for inclusion in the Default
Library the next time the IR Configurator is upgraded.
The subsequent upgrade will have a larger Default Library, which can be used by other dealers or therapists.
To access the My Library Feature click on the My Library tab, then Click Edit My Library. Example screen is shown below.
The drop down menu is shown below.
The following functions are available via the My Library drop-down menu:
Add Appliance
Adds a new Appliance to the Library structure.
Edit Appliance
Edits the currently highlighted Appliance.
Delete Appliance
Deletes the currently highlighted Appliance from the Library structure.
Clear All
Clears the My Library depository.
The My Library feature stores all Codes within Appliances, so each time you wish to enter a new Code you must edit an
existing Appliance or add a new one.