User Guide
11 - 35
Command Line Interface
Revision 0.0
[ -h [1|2] | --help # | --version | --verb | --wrap ]
[ --init <#|# #|all> [ --key-file <str> ] ]
[ --open <#|# #|all> [ --key-file <str> ] ]
[ --close <#|# #|all> ]
[ --erase <#|# #|all> ]
[ --delfile <str> ] [--status ]
[ --sw | --fsep <char>
The swcrypt command allows the user to view and alter the CNS disk encryption options.
--help | -h............................. Show help.
--version .............................. Show software version.
--verb................................... Generate verbose output.
--status ................................ Show partition status.
Password Quality
Minimum characters: 15.
Minimum numbers: 1.
Minimum lowercase characters: 1.
Minimum uppercase characters: 1.
Minimum special characters: 1.
Maximum consecutive repeating characters: 2.
Maximum consecutive repeating characters of the same class: 4.
Minimum number of different characters: 8.
Minimum days for password change: 1.
Maximum days for password change: 60.
Dictionary words are not valid or accepted.
The last seven passwords cannot be reused.
Software encryption options
A SWE container must be initialed using the --init flag before it can be opened, closed or erased.
Create a SWE container on specified partition
--init <#|# #|all> [ --key-file <filename>]
<# | # # | all> ....................... List of one or more partitions or all for all partitions
[--key-file <filename> ]......... Use passphrase stored in specified file.
[--pass <str> ]...................... Use password specified on command line as the passphrase. User
will be prompted for a passphrase when --key-file or --pass flag are
not present. This is the most secure mode.
The --allow-discard flag can have a negative security impact because it can make filesysem-level
operations visible on the physical device. For example, information leaking filesystem type, used i
space, etc. may be extractable from the physical device if the discarded blocks can be located
later. If in doubt, do not use it.
Open a SWE container on specified partition
--open <#|# #|all> [ --pass <passphrase> | --keyFile <filename> ]
<# | # # | all> ....................... List of one or more partitions or all for all partitions
[--key-file <filename> ]......... Use passphrase stored in specified file.
[--pass <str> ]...................... Use password specified on command line as the passphrase.
[--allow-discards ] ................ Allow the use of discard (TRIM) requests for device. User will be
prompted for a passphrase when --key-file or --pass flag are not
present. This is the most secure mode.