PICS User Manual | CH915
There are four customizable text writing screens. The CLIENT, USER and OWNER page are initially
set up with field names such as ‘NAME’, ‘ADDR1’, etc., that should be relevant to that particular
screen. (The FREE FORM page is entirely clear so that it can be set up in any way desired.) Other
than the field names are characters displayed as unlocked padlocks. The unlocked padlocks represent
the characters that later, an operator can edit (through pressing the CLIENT PAGE, USER PAGE,
OWNER PAGE or FREE FORM PAGE buttons). Any character position that doesn’t contain an
unlocked padlock is not editable by pressing the CLIENT PAGE, USER PAGE, OWNER PAGE or
FREE FORM PAGE buttons. Unlocked padlocks characters appear as empty space characters when
on the screens displayed by these buttons.
If desired, the customizable text writing screens can be changed by typing over the field names
provided, typing over the unlocked padlock characters, or inputting unlocked padlock characters
in positions where they don’t currently reside. To type over one of the field names provided, simply
move the cursor using the arrow keys to that field and begin typing.
To type over one of the unlocked padlocked characters, simply move the cursor using the arrow
keys to that character and begin typing.
To input an unlocked padlocked character, simply move the cursor using the arrow keys to any
position and press <CTRL>+<SPACE> simultaneously..
It is advisable that the customizable text writing screens be designed/set up once back in the
office, and then the operator in the field will only use the CLIENT PAGE, USER PAGE, OWNER
PAGE or FREE FORM PAGE buttons to input relevant data.
Editing of the customizable text writing screens is done on the onscreen display and thus is not
recorded to the DVR.
The CLIENT PAGE, USER PAGE, OWNER PAGE and FREE FORM PAGE buttons display screens that
are written to the camera display, and thus recorded (assuming the DVR is turned on). When typing
characters on any of these pages, it will not wrap around from the bottom line to the top line.
Similarly, while pressing <BACKSPACE> on the top line it will not wrap around to the bottom line.
However, using the arrow keys will wrap around between the bottom/top and
top/bottom of the screen.