HoW to use PoWer saVe /energy eye funCtion
What is POWER SAVE mode?
If power cord is not unplugged, little bit of electricity will be still wasted. It is called standby electric power.
The power SAVE mode is technology which minimizes this electricity consumption.
How to start power saving
When ‘CANCEL’ button is pushed for 3 seconds
at waiting state, Saving power function is set up.
Automatic Method
If the standby time is chosen as number other than “0” at the automatic power saving mode, the automatic
saving power function will be operative.
If you move lid handle or push any button before passing waiting time, the waiting time which is reduced will go
back to the setting.
Manual Method
How to end power saving
Method 1) Push any button then it will be
returned to waiting mode.
Method 2) If lid handle is turned to open or close,
power saving mode will be canceled
and back to waiting Mode.
1. If you push ‘MODE’ button 7 times at the standby state, automatic power
saving mode is set up.
‘MODE’ button needs to be pressed for over 1 second at the first time.
2. When automatic power saving mode is set up, it says “Setting mode for
Automatic Power Save. Select stand by time with ‘MENU/SELECTION’ button
then press ‘SET’ button”.
‘MENU/SELECTION’ button will blink, and ‘MODE’, ‘SET’, and ‘CANCEL’
buttons will be turnd ON.
3. If you Select OFF with ‘MENU/SELCECTION’ button, Automatic saving will be
canceled. After setting up waiting time you want, press the ‘SET’ button.
At this time, ‘SET’ button will blink, and ‘MODE’, ‘MENU/SELECTION’, and
‘CANCEL’ buttons will be turnd ON.
4. Without pressing any button within 7 seconds or pushing ‘CANCEL’ button,
Automatic power saving function will be canceled and go back to waiting mode.
Energy Eye function
The luminance sensor automatically recognizes ambient brightness during standby, cooking, warming and preset
timer for minimizing power consumption of the product. If you want the power saving mode to start when it's
darker than the current level(Step 2), set the mode to Step 1. If you want the mode to start when it's brighter than
the current level, set the mode to Step 3. (The power saving mode of CUCKOO is set to Step 2 at the factory.)
1. Press the ‘MODE’ button 12 times in standby status and you will enter the Energy Eye mode. ‘MODE’ button needs
to be pressed for over 1 second at the first time.
2. When you enter the Energy Eye setting mode, a voice comes up saying "This is the Energy Eye Setting Mode. Set or
unset the Energy-I Mode by pressing the Selection button. Then, press the OK button”. ‘MENU/SELECTION’ button
will blink, and ‘MODE’, ‘SET’, and ‘CANCEL’ buttons will be turnd ON. buttons light.
3. Each time you press the ‘MENU/SELECTION’, the Energy Eye shifts from OFF to Step 1 to Step 2 to Step 3. When
OFF is displayed, a voice comes up saying “The Energy Eye function is canceled”. The ‘SET’ button blink and
‘MODE’, ‘MENU/SELECTION’, and ‘CANCEL’ buttons light.
4. After selecting your preferred step, please press the ‘SET’ button. A voice will come up saying “The Energy Eye
mode has been set”. and your step will be stored.
5. If will be cancelled if you press the ‘CANCEL’ button or after 7 seconds without pressing any button. In this case a
voice will come up saying "Function setting has been cancelled with overtime".
(When selecting Energy Eye function)
(When deactivating Energy Eye function)
How to original setting