Operation / Technical Manual
, Model 111W
Page 24 of 82
Required Accessories
Operation of the NORM-O-TEMP
unit requires the use of the blanket/pad(s) designed
to circulate warm water via a connecting hose with quick-disconnect male and female
couplings. NORM-O-TEMP
System Equipment and accessories are listed in Figure 16.
Note: Some reusable blankets/pads come with a permanently attached hose.
Functional Description of the NORM-O-TEMP
When the unit is turned ON, the NORM-O-TEMP
unit heats the water to reach a preset
set point temperature of 37°C unless an alternate temperature is selected by the health
care provider. The water circulates through the blanket/pad(s) which keeps a patient
Heating System
heating system consists of an immersion heater and water
temperature control. The temperature ranges are described in Section 2.
The immersion heater is located in the circulating reservoir. The water circulating in
the reservoir flows around the immersion heater and is warmed.
It is important to note that the rate of change in the circulating water temperature is
not directly proportional to the rate of change in the temperature of the patient.
Circulating System
6-quart (5.7 liters) capacity dual compartment reservoir is
composed of the circulating reservoir situated under and connected to the
replenishing reservoir. When the operator fills the reservoir with distilled water, the
circulating reservoir fills first and holds approximately 1 ½ quarts (1.4 liters) of
water. The remaining 4 ½ quarts (4.2 liters) are held in the replenishing reservoir.
The water moves from the replenishing reservoir to the circulating reservoir by
gravitational pull as needed.
The circulating water flows over the heating element located in the circulating
reservoir. The heated water then flows out the reservoir to the circulating pump,
through the pump housing, over the water temperature sensor, and into the blanket/
pad(s). The water circulates through the blanket/pad(s) and returns to the unit. The
water then passes through the water flow indicator and returns to the circulating
reservoir to be reheated and then recycled.
An internal by-pass inside the NORM-O-TEMP
by-passes the Hansen fittings and the
flow indicator for water circulation during preconditioning of the water.
The circulating water system contains a flow indicator. The operator should check the
flow indicator for proper flow when operation is first begun.