code 6118250 iss. 10-2018
8.8 Combustion air inlet
Combustion air can be taken from the room, if sufficiently ventilated, or from the outside, if not: this way optimal
combustion is guaranteed, avoiding opening an air intake in the room. In both cases, refer to the regulations about
installation in force (UNI 10683 and UNI7129), to avoid health risks for those who spend time in the room where the
equipment is installed.
Do not use hoses and install a grille at the start of the air intake (on the outside), to prevent foreign bodies from
entering and affecting the correct operation of the unit.
The assembly is shown with one model of stove, the procedure for the other models is the same.
Taking the air from the outside
Taking the air from the inside
Minimum distance to position the air inlet
To position the air intake correctly and safely, see
the drawing on the side, where the minimum
distances from any other opening are shown.
It is important to take into account any wall
discharges from other units or cooking extractor
1,5 m
1,5 m
0,3 m
presa d’aria
1,5 m