code 6118250 iss. 10-2018
In particular, as to flues/smoke ducts, we wish to remind you of the following:
- They must withstand mechanical stress;
- They must withstand any acid condensation that may form from the combustion products
(the use of STAINLESS STEEL 316 is recommended);
- They must be waterproof;
- They must obviously withstand the heat.
The pipes that can be used are rigid in painted steel (minimum thickness 1.5mm) or stainless steel (minimum
thickness 0.5mm). The male/female coupling collars must overlap by at least 40mm.
- The tube diameter depends on the type of system. The stove has been designed for pipes with an 80mm
diameter maximum, as shown in the table; in some cases a 100mm diameter is recommended. If pipes with a
100mm diameter must be used, connect them to the stove with a "T" coupling with an 80mm diameter and a
fitting ø 80 - ø 100.
Pipe shorter than 5m
80 mm
Pipe longer than 5m
100mm (minimum)
Installations located
over 1200 m above sea level
100mm (minimum)
- They must be as vertical as possible, with a constant section and a smooth internal surface to prevent the
accumulation of head losses that would affect the draft required to discharge the smoke.
- The lower part of the flue must be provided with a collection "T" with lid (steel flue) or with an inspection door
(masonry flue), so that any condensation or soot can be collected.
- Smoke ducts connecting the unit to the flue must be as short as possible (2 - 3 metres maximum) and with two 90°
turns maximum. It is important for them to have a 3-5° positive slope towards the flue to ensure the smoke goes
- Calculate a loss of head of 1 metre for each 90° turn.
- Calculate a loss of head of 0.5 metre for each 45° turn.
- To connect the flue and smoke duct, "T" junctions with inspection plugs must be used, to make cleaning easier.
It is forbidden to install gates or valves that can prevent the fumes from going out.
- In order to prevent any stove malfunction, the chimney must comply with these installation rules:
- It must be the same section and internal shape as the flue and an outlet section no less than twice the section of
the flue.
- It must be a windproof chimney, to guarantee the expulsion of the smoke with winds coming from any direction
and angle.