Crystal Vision
Control and Status monitoring
Reference source
models only)
Select the options for the
synchroniser reference video.
The hierarchy runs from left to
right, so
Ref1>Ref2>Video>Freerun will
attempt to use Reference 1
initially and if that fails to use
Reference 2 and so on. Once a
valid reference is found, UP-
DOWN-VF will continue to use
that reference source until a
manual relock (see ‘Force
relock control below). Should
that reference fail then the next
valid source in the list will be
used. If the reference and video
frame rate become incompatible, the card will attempt
to use the other reference source and if that is not
compatible, lock to the input video. With the video
input selected as reference, the synchroniser is
effectively disabled.
Active source
models only)
The source being used as the synchroniser reference
is displayed here i.e. ‘Ref1, Ref2, Video or Freerun’.
Force relock
models only)
Selecting this will force the synchroniser to relock
after a reference is restored.
When this control is
operated, the card internal logic will start at the top of
the currently selected list and move down it, picking
the highest available timing reference source. As
video output is disturbed during the relocking
process, this control gives the user the opportunity
to relock at a non-critical time.
Reference 1 /2
models only)
Select either analogue Black
and Burst or tri-level syncs as
the reference input type.
UP-DOWN-VF User Manual R1.1
23 June 2017