Crystal Vision
Card edge operation
SYNNER-E 3G User Manual R1.2
Dolby E on de-
embedder Gp1
Ch1-2 silent
Rotate the SCROLL/ADJ. control to show the Dolby E on the input
group silent alarms.
Group 1 channel 1-2 to Group 4 channel 3-4.
Press ENTER and rotate SCROLL/ADJ. to select.
On, Off.
Dolby E on de-
embedder Gp4
Ch3-4 silent
Dolby E on AES1
input silent
Rotate the SCROLL/ADJ. control to show the Dolby E on AES
channel silent alarms.
AES1 to AES8.
Press ENTER and rotate SCROLL/ADJ. to select.
On, Off.
Dolby E on AES8
input silent
With the silence delay control set to its minimum there will remain a small delay to prevent false