User Manual and Reference Handbook for the CC Pilot™ XL
CCP setting status
The colour of the light bulb indicates the CCP setting status.
RED – Not active. The CCP settings service is not started or something is wrong in the
communication with the computer. Within this state the display led and push buttons
are not in communication with the PC unit and therefore not functional.
YELLOW – Active and waiting. The CCP settings service is in idle state.
GREEN – Busy. The CCP settings service is operating with the computer.
The Status tab
The status tab presents information about the firmware versions loaded on the unit.
The status tab also has an administrator login button. The administrator login gives
access to more parameters.
CrossControl does not take any responsibility for any resulting damage or injury given
as a result of reconfiguring CCP settings.
The general tab
From the general tab it is possible to alter the steps for the dimming buttons. It is also
possible to assign other functionality than dimming of the backlight to the dimming
The temperature tab
The temperature tab gives status information about the unit’s internal temperature as
well as information regarding the temperature control functions.
The shut-down tab
From the shut-down tab it is possible to configure how the computer handles shut down
The touch-screen tab
The touch-screen tab offers calibration of the touch screen functionality.
For more detailed information concerning CCP Settings please contact your reseller.