User Manual and Reference Handbook for the CC Pilot™ XL
CC Pilot™ XL
This section gives a short description to some of the computer specific software
supplied with the CC Pilot
Operating System
Your CC Pilot™ XL is by default supplied with Windows XP and the following described
software tools targets Windows XP. Your CC Pilot™ XL can also be used with other
operative systems, contact your sales representative for more information.
The CC Pilot™ XL offers a multitude of connection alternatives, for instance via USB.
In order for the device connected to CC Pilot™ XL to function correctly, sometimes
drivers must be installed. CrossControl can only guarantee the function for applications
and devices which are tested and approved by CrossControl.
CCP settings
CCP settings is a software to view and configure CC Pilot™ XL specific parameters
and settings.
Changes to the parameters are not performed unless an administration login is made
into CCP Settings. Also, many of the settings require administration priveliges on the
computer to be able to store the settings. The login is made from the Status tab in CCP
Settings and the password is CCPILOT.
Open CCP Settings
CCP settings is opened either from the Control panel or from the light bulb icon located
in the status notification area in the task bar.