3.0 Alarm Operations
SSPB Power Supply Alarms
DC CONV A (SSPB V2A Monitor)
This is the +12V DC voltage from DC to DC converter A. The summary alarm indicator and contact closure
will be set if this voltage is greater than 26V or less than 23V.
DC CONV B (SSPB V2B Monitor)
This is the +12V DC voltage from DC to DC converter B. The summary alarm indicator and
contact closure will be set if this voltage is greater than 26V or less than 23V.
+24V PSA (SSPB V1A Monitor)
This is the +24V DC voltage from power supply A. The summary alarm indicator and contact closure will be set if
this voltage is greater than 26V or less than 22V. The unit's Power Supply A AC input must be detected before this
voltage is monitored for alarm purposes.
+24V PSB (SSPB V1B Monitor)
This is the +24V DC voltage from power supply B. The summary alarm indicator and contact closure will be set if
this voltage is greater than 26V or less than 22V. The unit's Power Supply B AC input must be detected before this
voltage is monitored for alarm purposes.
SSPB V Monitor
This is the DC voltage that is inserted at the SSPB RF loop through. The SSPB alarm indicator and alarm contact
closure will be set if the voltage ( +24V) is too high or too low. The unit will alarm if the voltage is greater
than 26V or less than 22V.
SSPB I Monitor
This is the current that is measured at the SSPB RF loop through. The SSPB alarm indicator and alarm contact
closure will be set if the current is greater than 2.7 Amps @ +24V.
LNB Power Supply Alarms
LNB V Monitor
This is the DC voltage that is inserted at the LNB RF loop through. The summary alarm indicator and contact closure
will be set if the voltage is greater than 26V or less than 22V.
LNB I Monitor
This is the current that is measured at the LNB RF loop through. The summary alarm indicator and contact closure
will be set if the current is greater than 600 milliamps.
2099-2424 Manual, Rev. C
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