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cGas Detector for Indoor Public Spaces - Installation Manual
Rev. A | 2020.11
8.2 Confi guring Modbus® Settings
If a complete system (controller with digital transmitters and peripherals) is
ordered from the factory, it will be shipped preconfi gured with the appropriate
Modbus® settings. The Modbus® ID of the transmitters will start at 101 and
continue sequentially for each transmitter.
If individual CGAS-DP transmitters are being ordered (ie. they are not part of a
system), the factory default Modbus® setting are:
• Modbus
ID = 100
• Baud rate =19,200 (default, confi gurable)
• Data bits = 8
• Stop bits = 1
• Parity = none, odd or even
If you adding the transmitters to an existing system in the fi eld the factory
default Modbus® settings may require changes in order for communication to
be successful between the devices on your network. Make sure your network
connection is complete, the network termination switches are set appropriately
and all the devices are confi gured with the same baud rate, character format,
etc. Each device must have its own unique Modbus® ID.
8.2.1 Change Modbus® MAC Address
All devices on the same network must have a unique Modbus ID. The range of
numbers that can be used as a Modbus® MAC address is 100 to 255.
100 is the default for individual transmitters that are not set up in
the factory as part of a system. The default for a system controller with
transmitters is 101 increasing sequentially.
From the main display, press ENTER.
Enter passcode 1001 using the UP button and ENTER button.