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cGas Detector for Indoor Public Spaces - Installation Manual
Rev. A | 2020.11
Heavier than air gases fall towards the fl oor and collect in low lying areas
requiring the gas detector to be mounted 6 in / 15 cm from the fl oor. Lighter
than air gases fl oat upwards and collect at the ceiling. Lighter than air sensors
should be placed on or near the ceiling. Gases that have a density close to that
of air should have the sensors installed in the breathing zone. The breathing
zone refers to the area 1.2 - 1.8 m / 4 - 6 ft from the fl oor, where most human
breathing takes place. This is a good default location for sensors, as many
gases are often well dispersed in air.
Both Carbon monoxide and Carbon dioxide have a molecular weight close to
that of air and should be installed in the “breathing zone”.
For monitoring refrigerant gas with the remote dongle sensor, place the
sensor as close to the potential leak area as possible. The maximum length
of wire between the remote sensor and the cGas Detector should not exceed
50 ft (15 m). For monitoring refrigerant gas with an internal sensor, place
the cGas Detector as close to the potential leak area as possible, taking into
consideration that refrigerants are heavier than air and will concentrate closer
to the fl oor and in areas with less air current.