Supplemental Guide – DOC. 8413A
IT Administrator
The IT administrator should have the following knowledge and skills:
General Skills
IP Networking
Basic phone terminology
Crestron-specific skills
Crestron XiO Cloud™ service (Cloud Provisioning) helps an administrator
quickly manage all devices within an environment. The platform allows an
administrator to add devices to a system in order to manage device status,
change settings, update firmware, set up new users, manage access levels
and manage automated alerts. For training, visit
You must be logged in to your Crestron.com account to access the
training course.
End User
The end user should have the following:
A Microsoft Teams account
Knowledge of Microsoft Teams
The phone is configured with the touch screen (phone settings) and a computer with
web browser software (device settings). When using a computer, the phone and
computer must be connected to a commonly accessible network.
Phone Settings
The device’s phone settings can be used to view information about the device, adjust the
volume, set the language, view the privacy policy, and configure the device.
To access the partner settings, tap on the Microsoft Teams start screen. The Phone
settings menu is displayed.
Partner settings can also be accessed from the main application. To access the
partner settings, tap , Settings, and then Device Settings.