Supplemental Guide – DOC. 8413A
6: informational
Max Log File Size (2048-20480KB): Specify the maximum size (in KB) of the log
files (MAC-boot.log and MAC-sys.log) to be stored on the phone.
Export Local Log: Click Export to export the local log files sys.log or boot.log.
The Syslog section configures the phone to upload log messages to the syslog server in
real time.
Enable Syslog: To enable the uploading of log messages to the syslog server, set
Enable Syslog to ON. To turn off logging, set Enable Syslog to OFF.
Syslog Server: Enter the IP address of the syslog server and port number to use
in the Syslog Server and Port fields.
Syslog Transport Type: Select the transport protocol that the phone uses when
exporting log messages to the syslog server from the drop-down list.
Syslog Level: Sets the detail level of syslog information that displays in the
syslog. Select a detail level from the drop-down list.
0: system is unusable
1: action must be taken immediately
2: critical condition
3: error conditions
4: warning conditions
5: normal but significant condition
6: informational
Syslog Facility: Sets the facility that generates the log messages. Select a facility
from the Syslog Facility drop-down list.
Syslog Prepend Mac: Set to ON to prepend the phone’s MAC address to log
messages that are exported to the syslog server. Set to OFF to export log
messages to the syslog server without the phone’s MAC address.
Export All Diagnostic Files: Use these controls to start and stop the diagnostics
process and export the results.
Click Start to begin capturing signal traffic in the Pcap trace, boot.log,
sys.log, and .bin configuration files. The system log level will be automatically
set to 6. The file format of the exported diagnostic file is *.tar.
Click Stop to stop capturing signal traffic.
Click Export to open the file download window, and then save the diagnostic
file to the local PC. A diagnostic file named allconfig.tgz will be exported to
the local PC.