Crestron Isys i/O
TPMC-15/17 Tilt Series
Touchpanel Media Centers
The “Video Setup” window can be brought up and hidden using reserved join
numbers from within a project. Refer to the latest version of the Crestron Isys i/O™
TPMC-15 & TPMC-17 Series Programming Guide (Doc. 6350) for more
RGB Setup (QM Versions Only)
The setup screen for an RGB source contains the settings as displayed in the
following image. Changes are made in real time.
“Video Setup” Window - RGB 1 Tab (QM versions only)
RGB is setup using the
Lock Sync
controls. The following
test patterns are recommended for adjustment.
Lock Sync
– A vertical (alternating black/white lines) line test pattern screen is
recommended. Lock Sync is available for RGB only.
The vertical line test pattern should look uniform. If you see dark vertical
bars in the test pattern, adjust ‘Coarse’ to eliminate bands. If you see only horizontal
noise, adjust ‘Fine’ to reduce or eliminate noise. You may also need to perform this
vertical line adjustment again after changing the size of the display image.
Operations Guide - DOC. 6344
Touchpanel Media Centers: Crestron Isys i/O™ TPMC-15/17 Tilt Series