Touchpanel Media Centers
Crestron Isys i/O
TPMC-15/17 Tilt Series
The following diagram shows a TPMC-17-CH in a residential audio/video
distribution application.
TPMC-17-CH in Residential Audio/Video Distribution Application
Crestron’s MediaMarker software is used to create, organize and save presentations.
A presenter can devise an entire lecture or demonstration and save it to a PC,
compact flash, or network drive. At the presenter’s discretion, the audience may
view the presentation complete with annotation in real-time (audience view feature is
available on QM versions only).
MediaMarker can be used with the TPMC-15, TPMC-17, or a personal computer.
In addition to containing the tools required for object creation, MediaMarker can
import graphics and text from many other applications. Importable objects include:
MediaMarker projects can be saved and retrieved to compact flash or a mapped
network drive.
Refer to page 66 for additional MediaMarker information.
MediaMarker software’s video annotation utility allows the presenter to
electronically draw on a touchpanel display using a finger. Whether drawing
freehand on a blank screen, highlighting points on a spreadsheet, or making notes
Touchpanel Media Centers: Crestron Isys i/O™ TPMC-15/17 Tilt Series
Operations Guide - DOC. 6344