Combustion air for the stove can be supplied through a duct
directly from outside, or indirectly through a vent in the wall of
the room where the stove is installed. Flexible tubing is available
as an accessory.
The drawings below show various alternative methods of
supplying the stove with air.
The air duct connection on the stove has an external diameter of
64 mm.
To prevent condensation in air ducts which pass through heated
areas, the duct must be insulated with 30 mm of mineral wool
covered with aluminium tape.
It is important to seal carefully around the duct where it passes
through the wall or floor. Use jointing compound. For ducts longer
than 1.0 metre, the diameter must be increased to 100 mm, and
the size of the air vent increased correspondingly.
Through the external wall.
Indirect air supply through the external wall.
Through the floor and foundation slab.
Through a suspended floor/wall-and-cavity
30 mm
Air supply