Adjust the height of the entire hood by turning all of the adjusting
nuts on the supporting structure by the same amount. When
making the adjustment, all the locknuts on the top must be loose
with a certain amount of play. Adjust the measurement so that
the height between the bottom edge of the left and right-hand
hood sides and the top edge of the guides is 383 mm on both
sides. Make sure that the measurements on page 90 are correctly
adjusted and check them in accordance with the instructions on
page 84. Tighten the locknuts on the top. There may be slight
variations between the sides if the chimney frame is not exactly
perpendicular. There should be a 10 mm gap between the top of
the door and the hood-front base.
Squeeze two blobs of silicone onto the bottom half of the metal
hood seats and put the hood’s side tiles in place.
It is also possible to remove the hood seats with the tiles on and
fit nuts to the stud bolts for added security. When the hood seats
are put back in place, it is important that they are pushed into the
bottom of the groove. Note that the washers should normally be
on the top of the metal, but can be fitted to the underside if the
hood seats need to be lowered individually.
Screw two stud bolts into each of the hood’s side tiles.