How to Use this Stroller with Your infant car seat
• To use an infant car seat with this stroller, you must have a Contours infant car seat adapter. You can purchase a Contours adapter at most
retailers or visit Go to page 28 of this booklet to see the list of available car seat adapters.
• For correct use with an infant car seat, refer to your infant car seat adapter instructions (sold separately).
• If at any time your infant car seat does not secure properly to the stroller, or if you have questions about assembly or use of the stroller,
use this product. Call Contours at +31 548 659096.
Only transport infants that are within the size and weight limitations of your infant car seat, as described in the instruction
manual provided by the infant car seat manufacturer.
Do not
place car seat in stroller seat. Car seat will not be secure.
Make sure the stroller is fully unfolded and the infant car seat adapter is securely latched before attaching your infant car seat.
This prevents finger pinching and injuries caused by stroller collapsing.
When using this product with only 1 child, only use the stroller seat or infant car seat adapter in the front position and a seat must
be installed in the rear position.
Do not
use stroller seat and infant car seat adapter in the same seating location at the same time.