Replacing the glass plate
Install new glass plate in scanner
6. Pick up the new glass plate with two hands holding it at each end to avoid touching the
glass surface.
Take special care
to avoid touching the glass plate’s bottom surface which normally will
not be cleaned during maintenance.
8. Stand at the rear of the scanner as you hold the glass.
Make sure you hold the glass for insertion with the surfaces facing correctly. Note the
direction of the facetted edges that indicate which is the bottom surface of the glass, see
the illustration of the glass plate profile to the right.
9. Hold the glass so that it faces as shown below.
10. Lower the glass plate into the scanner at an angle as shown so that the glass plate lower
edge rest in the lower latches (see next step).
: The glass plate is long and thin and thus fragile. Take care not to break it.
Glass Plate Profile View:
As you lower the glass plate into the scanner, hold it
at an angle similar to that shown in the illustration.
Top surface
Bottom surface
Load this end into the
lower latches
Top surface