is an autonomous, fully automatic fire detection and extinguishing system
designed for a localized fire protection of control, telecommunication and data center cabinets
and other rack enclosures using the 19" racking system, where the device is sited at the top.
It consists of a fully equipped automatic fire detection system, control, evaluation,
communication and extinguishing unit. In the event of device activation, the manufacturer
recommends the inspection of those equipment that have been exposed to the extinguishing.
CONTEG spol. s r.o.
company is not responsible for any damage caused to the data carriers.
The extinguishing agent used in the LES-RACK device is FK 5-1-12 and fulfills EN 15004-2
requirements. FK-5-1-12 is a clean, colourless, delicate-odour liquid agent. The extinguishant
is non-corrosive and non-conductive. Unlike carbon dioxide, it does not cause thermal shock
to extinguished objects. It has a density corresponding to 11 times the density of air, Upon
application, no traces of residue are left as it evaporates. It is totally safe for people and the
environment. It is mainly designed for extinguishing A, B, and C group fires, as well as for
extinguishing of electrical circuits with nominal voltage up to 1000V.
Fire detection is ensured using two optical smoke and temperature detectors, built in the LES-
RACK. These are designed in a redundant connection in such a way that false alarms and
errors in the so-called two-sensor dependency are excluded.
The lifespan of the device, excluding the back-up battery, extinguishing agent and pressurized
nitrogen, is 10 years from the year of manufacture. The life of the batteries depends on the
working environment, especially on the working temperature higher than 25°C, and is set by
the manufacturer for 4 years. In general, the higher the temperature, the shorter the battery
life. Product warranty is 2 years from the moment of purchase, considering the right operating
conditions are ensured and regular maintenance is carried out. See the chapter
Functional test of the entire system, including detection, pressure and drive parts of the
equipment should be performed every 12 months. The quality of the extinguishant, battery
capacity and the pressure inside the tanks and their integrity shall be inspected at least once
every 24 months. Each inspection is performed by a person trained by the manufacturer or
authorized distributor.
LES-RACK may only be used in accordance with the operating conditions specified in the
technical documentation and operating instructions. If the device is used in a way that is
outside of defined operating conditions, the manufacturer shall not be liable for any damages
caused by such use. All risks imposed by incorrect use are strictly under the operator’s
CONTEG spol. s r.o.
is also not liable for any damages caused by fire itself
or damages caused by products of combustion. The operator must also carry out regular