Figure number 28 – Email setting
Server: SMTP server
User, Password: if authorisation is required by the server.
To: receiving address
From: sender, must be entered
Subject: the subject of the message (example LES-RACK-ID0001) identification of a specific
Log in is necessary for saving the device settings. If the user does not authorise, or if the log
in information is incorrect, saving is unavailable. To log in again, close the web interface and
repeat authorisation.
NOTE:Authorisation data transfer is not encrypted.
WARNING: Older versions of the browser may display the web interface incorrectly.
The window with the description "Relay" is used to change the name of the output. The new
name is saved with the ">" button.
The "Switch" window is used to manually switch the logic of the respective relay from open
in idle state to closed when switched and vice versa.