Drop Shot
– The Drop shot features allows you to drop to the ground as soon as you start to fire, automatically without pressing any other buttons, and stand
back up when you stop firing. To turn on the drop shot you only need to hold the B button and tap the mod button. You will see the player 4 LED flash 1
time to indicate that the Drop shot is on. One on you will drop to Prone as soon as you start to fire. This works regardless of rapid fire being turned on or off
and will work with the left trigger only if Dual Rapid fire is turned on. To turn off the drop shot, again hold B and tap the mod button, the player 4 LED will
now flash 2 times to indicate the Drop shot is Off.
Auto Aim
MATCHMAKING GAMES. The Auto aim is a feature for the left trigger in addition to the dual rapid fire. Because of this we must first switch the left
trigger from Rapid fire to Auto Aim. To do this you must hold both the left trigger and the mod Button for 4 seconds. You will see the player 3 LED flash 1
time. This indicates the left trigger is now switched to Auto Aim. To switch back to Left Trigger rapid fire you must follow the same procedure only the
player 4 LED will flash twice. You turn the auto aim on/off just like the dual rapid fire by holding the left trigger and just tapping the mod button, only with
the auto Aim the player 3 LED will just turn on instead of fading to on. The Auto aim also works all the time even if rapid fire is turned off.
Adjustable Fast reload and Gears of War Perfect Active Reloads
– The adjustable fast reload and GOW perfect active reloads are controlled by a
separate button on the back of the controller. There are 3 modes for the reload button, each is described below. To switch the mode of the reload button you
must hold both RB (the right bumper) and the reload button for 3 seconds. You will see both the player 3 and 4 LEDs flash 1, 2 or 3 times depending on the
mode you have switch to. Once in the mode you want to use follow the directions below.
COD Adjustable Fast Reload
- This feature works to shave milliseconds off your reload time without using any perks. This is adjustable so it can
be used with just about any weapon in COD. To use the fast reload you must first set the fast reload. This is something that may take a small amount
of practice at first. When you reload normally you will see that your ammo will refill (the clip will show as full) before you are actually able to fire
again. The time from when your clip shows full to when you can fire again is what we will be cutting off and varies by weapon. To set the reload
time you will need to hold in the fast reload button and keep holding it until you see you ammo showing as full. Once you see it full you need to
immediate release the button. This is what sets the fast reload timing and is also what can take a little practice. We know that you cannot be exact
and so the chip has been programmed to shave off some time from human reaction time. So trying to guess when the reload will happen is NOT the
best method, just wait until you see the clip full and release the button as quickly as you can. Once the time is set you will use the same button only
just tap the button to perform the fast reload. You must do the fast reload before you clip is empty, Once the game has already start to automatically
reload an empty clip it will throw off the timing and the fast reload will not work.
Gears of War 2 Perfect Active reloads
– When in this mode the mod button switches between perfect active reloads for several weapons in GOW
2 and allows you to quickly turn on/off the perfect AR’s. There are 4 different settings which can be cycled through by just tapping the reload
button. They are 1. Lancer/Hammerburst, 2. Pistols, 3. Shotgun and 4. Sniper/BoomShot. As you switch to each setting the player 3 LED will flash
1-4 times to indicate which setting you are at. To turn on/off the perfect AR’s just hold in the reload button for 1.5 seconds. The player 3 LED will
turn on solid while the Perfect AR is on. With the Perfect AR on you just need to tap RB to reload as normal and the chip will automatically time the
second push of RB so that it is a perfect reload. Since the sniper/boomshot are single shot weapons the Perfect AR will start as soon as you fire and it
will time the reload perfectly. Just remember you must be in the right setting for the weapon you are using.
Gears of War 3 Perfect Active reloads
– This work exactly the same as the GOW 2 reloads as describled above but the settings are slight different.
The settings are: 1. Lancer, 2. Hammerburst, 3. Pistols, 4. Sniper