The conga-TR4 is equipped with a multi stage watchdog solution that is triggered by software. The COM Express™ Specification does not
provide support for external hardware triggering of the Watchdog, which means the conga-TR4 does not support external hardware triggering.
For more information about the Watchdog feature, see the BIOS setup description in section 10 of this document and application note
AN3_Watchdog.pdf on the congatec AG website at
The conga-TR4 module does not support the watchdog NMI mode.
OEM BIOS Customization
The conga-TR4 is equipped with congatec Embedded BIOS, which is based on American Megatrends Inc. Aptio UEFI firmware. The congatec
Embedded BIOS allows system designers to modify the BIOS. For more information about customizing the congatec Embedded BIOS, refer
to the congatec System Utility user’s guide CGUTLm1x.pdf on the congatec website at or contact technical support.
The customization features supported are described in the following sections.
OEM Default Settings
This feature allows system designers to create and store their own BIOS default configuration. Customized BIOS development by congatec for
OEM default settings is no longer necessary because customers can easily perform this configuration by themselves using the congatec system
utility CGUTIL. See congatec application note AN8_Create_OEM_Default_Map.pdf on the congatec website for details on how to add OEM
default settings to the congatec Embedded BIOS.
OEM Boot Logo
This feature allows system designers to replace the standard text output displayed during POST with their own BIOS boot logo. Customized
BIOS development by congatec for OEM Boot Logo is no longer necessary because customers can easily perform this configuration by
themselves using the congatec system utility CGUTIL. See congatec application note AN8_Create_And_Add_Bootlogo.pdf on the congatec
website for details on how to add OEM boot logo to the congatec Embedded BIOS.