Documentation Changes
The following documentation updates have been made since the last release of
this documentation:
Compatibility Matrix
(see page 16) --Shows the features of Microsoft SQL
Server supported in CA ARCserve Backup, by version.
Planning a Backup and Recovery Strategy
(see page 107)--Presents
essential Microsoft SQL Server basics you should know before you use CA
ARCserve Backup, describes new SQL Server 2008 features, and provides a
series of checklists to facilitate the restore process. Also included in this
section is a revised Backup Manager Agent Options topic.
Restoring Microsoft SQL Server Databases
(see page 45)--This section no
longer contains topics on Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Cluster Environments.
SQL 7.0 and NT 4 Clusters are no longer supported by CA ARCserve Backup
Agents effective with r12.