Restore by Session in Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005 or 2008 Environments
Chapter 5: Backing Up and Restoring in Cluster Environments 81
In the Restore Manager, click the Destination tab and select a destination
using one of the following procedures:
To restore to the original instance on the original server using the
original database name, select the Restore files to their original locations
if not selected already.
To restore to a different server but to an instance of Microsoft SQL
Server with the same version and instance name, clear the Original
Location check box and select the destination machine. The destination
machine must have an instance with the same name as the original and
the same version of Microsoft SQL Server or higher.
To restore to a different server or a different instance on the original
server using the original database name, clear the
Restore files to their
original locations option and select the Microsoft SQL Server instance for
the destination server.
To restore using a different database name, clear the Restore files to
their original locations option, select the destination server, and select
the Microsoft SQL Server instance on the destination server. Enter a
backslash and the new name of the database at the end of the displayed
path, as in the following examples:
If you are restoring a database backed up from a Microsoft SQL
Server 7.0 instance to a Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005 or 2008
instance, you must explicitly select the target instance even if it is a
default instance.
Click Submit.
The Restore Media dialog appears.
Select the backup server where the restore job is going to run and click OK.
The Session User Name and Password dialog opens.