SAN Switch Integrated/32 and Integrated/64 Installation and Hardware Guide
SAN Switch Integrated/32 and Integrated/64 Installation and Hardware Guide
The switch element's identity cannot be changed by configDownload. Parameters, such
as the switch element's name and IP address, are ignored. They are the lines in the
configuration file, which begin with “boot”.
A licenseKey is only accepted if the boot.mac line matches the Worldwide Name of the
switch element performing the download; otherwise, it is ignored.
The download process is additive; for example, the lines read from the file are added to the
current switch element configuration. Therefore, changing a single configuration variable
by downloading a file with a single line is possible. Other variables remain unchanged.
This point is particularly important to understand when downloading a zoning
configuration. Because the new zoning information is added to the current configuration,
there may not be any conflicts. If the current zoning configuration is to be replaced, then
the keyword “
:” may be inserted into the configuration file immediately before the
zoning lines. All licenses that are on the switch element will be retained, and new ones
will be added during the
configDownload Parameters
A host name or IP address in quotes, for example “citadel” or “”
The configuration file is downloaded from this host.
A user name in quotes, for example “jdoe.” This user name is used to gain
access to the host.
A file name in quotes, for example “config.txt.” Absolute path names may be
specified using a forward slash (/). Relative path names look for the file in the user’s
home directory on UNIX hosts and in the directory where the FTP or RSHD server is
running on Windows hosts.
If present, this command selects FTP.
Figure 3–6 shows an example of the
Figure 3–6: configDownload command example 2
Committing configuration…done.
download complete