Important Notes
You must PUSH the Injection Button straight
down for the dose to be delivered.
You will NOT receive your insulin by turning the
Dose Knob.
Do not attempt to change the dose
while injecting.
Always remove the used needle after each
injection and store the InPen™ without a needle
attached. This prevents contamination,
infection, and leakage of insulin and will ensure
accurate dosing.
Always put the InPen™ cap back on after
every use.
Caregivers should be most careful when
handling used needles to avoid hurting
Frequently Asked Questions about
Injecting the Dose
1. Why does the InPen not deliver any insulin when I
turn the dose button to inject?
Turning the dose button will not deliver insulin. You
have to press the dose button to inject.
2. Why is it difficult to push the Injection Button when
I try to inject?
Your Needle may be clogged. Try attaching a new
Needle, and then prime the InPen™.
Pushing the Injection Button down quickly may make
the Button harder to push. Pushing the Button more
slowly may make it easier.
Using a larger diameter Needle will make it easier to
push the Injection Button during injection. Ask your
healthcare provider which Needle is best for you.
If none of the above steps resolves the problem, your
InPen™ may need to be replaced.