7.3 Dose Calculator Algorithm
To help you better manage and understand your
therapy, the dose calculator algorithm is as follows:
The fixed-dose calculator algorithm is as follows:
DR = Dose Recommendation
CE = Carbohydrates Entered
ICR = Insulin to Carbohydrate Ratio
BG = Blood Glucose
TG = Target Blood Glucose
ISF = Insulin Sensitivity Factor
AI = Active Insulin
Meal Dose = Specified Meal Dose
If glucose is not entered, Active Insulin is not included
in the calculation and only a carbohydrate dose is
calculated per the following:
DR = Dose Recommendation
CE = Carbohydrates Entered
ICR = Insulin-to-carbohydrate Ratio
An “Eat X grams” recommendation is given if a value
less than 0 is calculated per the following:
SC = Suggested Carbohydrates
DR = Dose Recommendation
ICR = Insulin-to-carbohydrate Ratio
1Adapted from Mudaliar et al, Diabetes Care, Volume 22, Number 9,
Sept. 1999, page 1501.