How to Use
In Fixed Dose mode the Dose Calculator will
provide a fixed dose insulin recommendation at
meal times.
After choosing your meal, you can enter a current
glucose for a dose recommendation that includes
a glucose correction if needed.
Connected BGM may pre-populate through Apple
Health. Only blood glucose values less than 10
minutes old will be pre-populated.
After tapping Save, the dose recommendation is
shown at the top of the home screen.
You can tap Cancel to go back without saving the
See Section 6.2 Calculate an Insulin Dose for more
about the types of recommendations you may receive.
2. Meal Estimation Mode - Setup
The following settings must be set before you can
begin meal estimation dosing:
Maximum Calculated Dose – The maximum
calculated dose that your healthcare provider
determines is safe for you. If a single dose
recommendation or the total of recent doses plus the
recommendation exceeds the maximum calculated
dose setting, an alert will be displayed. Refer to the
instructions given by your healthcare provider.
Duration of Insulin Action – This is the amount of time
that insulin is actively lowering your blood glucose. It is
used to calculate Active Insulin.
Target Blood Glucose – This is the blood glucose
value you are trying to achieve. When entering a
current glucose value into the Dose Calculator, it will
recommend insulin or carbohydrates to return to this
target value.
Insulin Sensitivity Factor – This is the amount your
blood glucose is lowered by 1 unit of insulin.