3.4.11 Palette
This preference allows you to change the default colours (shown at the top left) with new colours using
either the colour wheel or the RG B sliders underneath for m ore fine control. The list of entries on the
right determ ines which colour is used for what purpose, so you could use Blue or Green for text instead
of Black. The Show Sam ple button brings up a dem o window with the new colours in use before you
are ready to Save or Use them .
3.4.12 PrinterGfx
Printer Graphics preference sets options for when printing pictures or diagram s using a printer (See
Printer preferences).
Dithering: Ordered, Halftone, Floyd-Steinburg
Scaling: Fraction, Integer
Im age: Positive, Negative
Aspect: Horizontal, Vertical
Share: Black & W rite, Grey Scale 1 or 2, Colour
Threshold: Determ ines the colours on the screen are printed as black and white.
Density: Determ ines the resolution in DPI of the output
Collor Correction: Corrects colour by reducing num ber of colours available to correct RGB im balances
Left Edge: How far from the left edge the output starts
Lim its: Determ ines paper edge lim its. Can be Ignore, Bounded, Absolute, Pixels, Multiply
Sm oothing: Sm ooths diagonal lines by certain dithering techniques (except Floyd-Steinburg)
Center Picture: Centres picture in the m iddle of the page.