displays tim e in the window bar). You can also set the m ode (12 or 24 hour), display seconds or not,
the date and whether to set an alarm for som ething. Multiview
This program can view pictures, anim ations, sound and other docum ents using W orkbench’s Datatype
library which can be expanded to any num ber of file form ats from basic ILBM, 8SVX, Am igaGuide,
FTXT, ANIM and CDXL to m odern types such as GIF, JPEG , PNG, BMP, W ave, Mpeg and other
form ats. Datatypes can be downloaded from the internet and installed.
You can run the program and then open a file from the file dialogue box, if the file has an Icon file you
can set its Default Tool to use Multiview to open and view the file autom atically or you can click on the
file, press shift and double click on Multiview to view the file with Multiview. More
This program can be used from the com m and line to view text files with page breaks between screen’s
worth of text.
3.2 Tools Drawer
3.2.1 Calculator
Here is a sim ple calculator, you can press the buttons to enter values or use the keypad. The sym bols
are CA (Cancel All), CE (Cancel Entry), * (Multiply), / (Divide), + (Add), - (Subtract), . (Decim al point), <-
(Backspace), +- (Change sign), = (Equals)
The Calculator Tape window can display equations as you enter them , useful for long calculations.
3.2.2 CMD
The CM D program is useful if you wish to redirect printing to a file. Run this program before printing
and any output will be sent to RAM:cm d_file. Additional options can be set in the Tool types including:
DEVICE = parallel or serial
FILE = location of file output
SKIP = skip flag
MULTIPLE = store m ultiple prints
NOTIFY = notify flag
3.2.3 GraphicDum p
GraphicDum p can be used to print pictures to a printer. This is m ainly for IFF ILBM pictures, use
Multiview for other form ats. Picture size can be set using SIZE Tool Type.
3.2.4 IconEdit
IconEdit is used to m odify file icon or .info files on the Am iga. Most W orkbench 3.x icons are 4 colour
icons but can be expanded to m ulticolour icons via the Extras, Color Palette m enu. You have the m ain
drawing area on the left. In the m iddle you have the currently selected Colour (black in this case), the
colour palette below and the drawing tools: freehand drawing, curves, circles (outline or filled),