Installing a CDROM Drive
On the A4000 desktop or tower you can slave a CD or DVD ROM drive from your hard disk, to access it
you need to install and activate the CDROM drivers supplied with Am igaOS:
The provided CDROM file system will read som e but not all CDROM discs but not som e PC ones with
long file nam es. The CD0, CD1 drivers m ay be found in Storage\DosDrivers, m ove them to
Devs\DosDrivers so that they are autom atically m ounted. You need som ething like Am iCDFS or
CacheCDFS to provide better CD filesystem support.
If the CD0 driver does not work then you need to m odify it, to pick up the correct device and unit
num ber. Open a text editor and open the CD0 file, you will need to m odify the lines to point to your
Device = “scsi.device”
Unit = 1
Note, that scsi.device is the sam e device as for IDE drives as well as scsi. If your CDROM is on a third
party device then change the nam e to the new device and m ake sure the device is stored in Devs (or in
Rom if its provided there).