2.2.1 Clicking
To select an icon, m ove the pointer over the desired icon and then click the LMB once. The icon will
change to a reverse or an alternative im age to indicate it has been selected.
W hen using gadgets such as those on windows (there are four gadgets on a window: Close,
W indow-to-Front, W indow-to-Back and Resize) m ove the pointer over the desired gadget and click
once to use that gadget. The gadget will change briefly and also change the window.
2.2.2 Double-Clicking
This is som etim es a tricky technique to use and requires a steady hand. This m ethod is used to
open disks, drawers and files or run program s. To do this, m ove the pointer over the desired icon and
in quick succession (without m oving the pointer) click on the LMB twice.
This should open the icon.
2.2.3 Dragging
This technique allows you to m ove objects such as icons around the screen or resizing windows.
Select an icon with a single click, now keep the LMB down and m ove the pointer, the icon will now be
dragged with the pointer. If you let go of the pointer the icon will be dropped into it’s
new position.
2.2.4 Multiple selection
You can select m ore than one icon at a tim e. To do this, click on the first icon, press the SHIFT key
down (either one) and then click on the second, third, fourth icons etc. to select m ultiple icons
You can also select a whole group of icons by pressing the LMB at the top left of the icons and while
keeping the LMB down m oving the power towards the bottom right. An expanding box will appear and
the icons in it will be selected.
3. The Programs
Here I will give a brief explanation of the program s provided with W orkbench 1.3.
3.1 W orkbench Disk
3.1.1 Utilities Drawer Clock
This displays an analogue or digital clock showing the present tim e and/or date. From the m enu you
can select Analog, Digital 1 or Digital 2 (difference being is that one displays tim e in a window, the other