rectangles (outlined or filled), straight lines and the fill tool.
Each icon has two im ages, norm al and selected, selected icons are used when a user selects an icon,
and it usually displays a depressed icon rather than a raised icon (the shadow around the edge m akes
the difference).
3.2.5 KeyShow
This displays a graphical representation of the keyboard on the screen with the characters that each
key represents including those when Ctrl, Shift or Alt is pressed. Pressing any of the keys does not
enter characters in to applications unfortunately.
3.2.6 InitPrinter
This will initialise any attached printer with the printer’s initialisation com m and using the currently
selected driver in the Printer preferences.
3.2.7 Lacer
This program will toggle between interlaced and non-interlaced screen m odes. Used prim arily for video
recording and genlocking.
3.2.8 Printfiles
This program allows you to print text files from W orkbench. To use it to select the files you wish to print
(use Shift key when selecting m ultiple files), then hold down shift and click Printfiles to print them .
Use the tool type FLAGS=form feed or FORMFEED=true if you want files to start on a new page.
3.2.9 Prepcard
This tool is used to prepare PCMCIA m em ory cards as static RAM cards or system m em ory. A Ram
Card can hold files like a norm al disk and is accessed via the device CC0:, cards prepared as system
m em ory is added to both Chip and Fast m em ory, you need to reboot before you can use that m em ory.
3.3.0 Mem acs
Mem acs or MicroEm acs is a full screen text editor which allows you to write short docum ents, script
files and program files if necessary.
The figure below shows Mem acs with s:startup-sequence file loaded for editing.