Commend SIP Series
Configuration via Web Interface
SIP-, Call- and LED Settings
Select tab
– following dialogue is indicated:
SIP Settings
In this section, the general settings enabling a communication via SIP, have to be configured.
Display Name:
An optional text (“Caller-ID”) for the SIP station can be entered.
Local SIP Port:
Here the port for the SIP protocol can be changed.
Local RTP Port:
Here the UDP port for the RTP protocol can be changed.
Any modifications made in the fields are taken over in the running configuration as soon as the button
(at the bottom right) is clicked. This may take a couple of seconds.
The information put in parentheses (next to the appropriate fields) represent standard values or support
for configuration.
The display name may not contain any special characters and not more than 200 digits.
Standard: 5060
Standard: 16384