Other Features
August, 03
• To disable an auxiliary mode,
—SELECT enable/disable button. Light associated with button will turn
off and display no longer denotes the feature.
7.6 Account Codes
You can assign account codes to specific calls. The system uses the
account codes to identify calls by category, or special grouping, for
call accounting purposes. If the installer programs the system to have
forced account codes, the user must enter the account code before the
call can be placed. If the system does not find a match between a user
entered account code and one that the installer has set in the system,
the call will not be allowed. Remember, verification alone does not
deny users’ calls, only forced verification denies.
The installer can arrange for the system to verify that the user entered
an account code and to sound an error tone if an invalid account code
is entered. He or she may program the system to prompt station users
to enter account codes for incoming calls and/or out-going calls if
desired. Account codes may be from three to 16 digits in length as set
by class of service programming. The system will verify all digits.
• To enter account code on an incoming call,
1. IF available, PRESS programmed Account Code button (the call in
progress is not interrupted).
2. IF not available, PRESS INTERCOM AND DIAL *04 (call is auto-
matically placed on hold).
With the exception of a headset micro-
phone, do not connect the audio output of
any external device to the auxiliary jack. Also, do not connect
the tip and ring leads of a telephone line to the auxiliary
jack.Do not connect any devices to the auxiliary jack other than
those mentioned above.