Auto Abort Tab
Auto Abort on Max Power
The Auto Abort on Max Power feature provides the user with the option of aborting a
process if the Max Power percentage specificed in the Program settings is reached
and sustained for a period that exceeds the time set in the Abort Delay Time control.
Rate Max/Min Auto Abort
During a process, unexpected occurences (crystal spatter, failed crystal) can cause
sudden spikes or dips in deposition rates. In such instances, undesireable results may
occur. To prevent this from occuring, Eon™ has the ability to abort the process when
rate fluctuations develop. If the the current rate of the deposition goes above the
maximum threshold or below the minimum threshold for longer than the specifed delay
times, the process will automatically abort; so that if your preset rate is 25 Å/s, your
Max Threshhold rate is 6 Å/s, and your Min Threshold rate is 4 Å/s, then the process
will abort at above 31 Å/s or at below 21 Å/s.
Chapter 5
Heater Temp.
The Heater Temperature readout provides current heater
readings, which can be useful while setting the heater constants.