Now that you’ve installed and completed the basic setup of your Guardian Series changer, this section will
review typical route operations. More detailed setup capabilities are detailed in Section 5.
Parring the Guardian
Parring is the action of bringing the changer back to its original Float level of change. Float is the user-defi ned
level of coins.
There a number of ways to bring the coin changer back to its original fl oat level. This can be accomplished
either via the Guardian’s automated parring system (when Float has been set by the user), or visually when
Float has not been set.
Automated Parring System (Guardian 6000 only)
: One of the simplest ways to par is by using the
Guardian’s automated parring recommendations. The Guardian will lead you through the steps
automatically, including communicating the exact amount of change to add. Automated parring is
initiated once either the Payout Cassette or Sorting Door is opened. See Figure 23 for details.
If coins only need to be added to the front tubes, the Sorting Door can be opened instead of the payout
cassette. Otherwise, everything else is the same in Figure 23.
Parring Assist (Guardian E6 only)
: Coins are loaded via the funnel with any coins in excess of the
Float level being automatically rejected by the coin changer. See Figure 24 for details.
Visual Parring (Float Level not set):
The Guardian Series changers can also be parred visually by
refi lling the tubes to the approximate levels. This can be done either by referencing the tube markings,
or by using the optional Guardian adjustable rings. The Manual or Visual Parring Methods are only
used when Float Mode is disabled. For Manual/Visual Parring:
• Open the payout cassette (for access to all tubes) or sort door (for access to front tubes only.)
• Load coins to the desired tube level marking.
• If par rings are being used - they can be adjusted to the desired level by sliding them up or down the