View Photo
To enter th e PHOTO mode :
To change betwee n slides how and manu al mode s:
From th e Main menu, h ighligh t and
select the item PHO TO. (To access the Ma in menu at any time,
pre ss and h old the JOYSTIC K SELEC T key.)
The PHOTO viewer will find and dis play an y JPG, G IF, or BMP files
loa ded on your player. The viewer can dis play photos wit h
ma nual co ntrol or automa tically a s a slide show (a ll photo s in
the current folder are disp layed se quentially).
To display a phot o or start the slid eshow, highlight a file and
p ress the
To return to the fi le list or stop the slidesh ow, pre ss the
button .
To display the previous photo manua lly, pres s
w hile a photo is
b eing dis played.
To display the next p hoto ma nually, press
while a photo is
b eing dis played
Press the JOYSTIC K SELECT key to access the sub menu
H ighlight then se lect "pla y set".
: Highli ght then select "Manua l play." M anual
m ode is now set.
Highlight then select "auto play". C ontinue
to the ne xt step.
o r
to set how long ea ch photo will be displayed for
(i n seconds), the n press the JOYSTICK SE LECT ke y.
3.For manual mode
Fo r slideshow mode:
FM Mode
Dele te
Dele te all
Normal B and
Japan Band
Fine REC
Press the
key to select your desired station.
Use the
key to adjust the volume.
Press the JOYSTICK SELECT key to access the menu shown below:
Save current station to the fa vorite s tations.
Delete current station from the favorite statio ns.
Delete all fa vorite stations.
Record the FM voice in WMA fo rmat.
To enter the FM Radio mode: From the Main menu, highlight and
select the item FM Radio. (To access the Main menu at any time,
press and hold the JOYSTICK SELECT key.)
PHOTO Viewer
FM Radio