Total :
Remai ning Time
To enter the RECORD mode :
From the Main menu, highligh t and
selec t the ite m RECO RD. (To access the Ma in menu at any time,
pres s and ho ld the J OYSTICK SELECT key.)
The v oice re corder a llows you to record sou nd from the
micr ophone located on the top of y our pla yer.
To start rec ording , press th e
bu tton.
To pause/stop rec ording, press th e
button while your player
is recordin g.
To save the record ing, pre ss and hold the
To save the record ing and return to the Main men u, pres s and
ho ld the JO YSTICK SELECT key.
Whe n you are in REC ORD m ode, the LCD will displa y the
information illustrate d below:
Current Fold er
Loca tion
# of R ecordings in
Current Folder
Recording Time Elapsed
Av ailable Recordi ng Time remain ing
To change the reco rding qu ality (i.e ., bitrate/filety pe) options,
pres s the JO YSTICK SELECT k ey
while the rec order is stopped
1.Highlight the n select "REC type .
2.Highlight, then selec t one of the fol lowing recording options:
High-quality WAV fi le. This will take up more memory;
Lower-quality ACT file. This will take up less memory;
High-quality WAV file. This w ill take up more memory;
. Lower-quality ACT file. This will take up less memory.
Recordi ng may be started insta ntly at a ny time by pressing
the RECORD button
Fine REC
Long R EC
Fine VOR
Long V OR
except during pl ayback in MP3 mode
REC type
Fin e REC
Long R EC
Fin e VO R
Long V OR
VOICE Player
To ent er the VOICE mode:
From the Main menu, highlight and
select the item VOICE . (To access the Main menu at any time,
press a nd hold the JOYSTICK SELECT key.)
The VOICE player will find and play any ACT o r WAV files loaded
on your player. Its functionali ty is the same as the MP3 Music
Player except that there is no A-B Rep eat mode.